
ULI Philadelphia Panelist Application: La Salle University TAP

ULI Philadelphia is recruiting 8-10 members to serve on a two-day Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) that will provide La Salle University with recommendations on promoting neighborhood collaboration and inclusive economic development. 

La Salle has renewed focus to find partnerships with community stakeholders so La Salle can further its role as a community anchor by helping to spearhead an inclusive reinvestment initiative, with a focus on areas of collective neighborhood benefit. It is critical to emphasize that such an initiative is not a gentrification through displacement strategy, but an inclusive planning and economic development effort.  

Specifically, La Salle seeks to partner with ULI Philadelphia on a technical assistance panel to develop strategies to improve the gateways and corridors that connect La Salle and nearby institutions to the surrounding community.  They hope strategies can improve La Salle and neighboring institutions abilities to serve as conveners and ensure reinvestment efforts that are championed by the community.  

Questions for the Panel are as follows:  
-Is there untapped commercial demand not being met by the immediate area?  
-What commercial revitalization strategies and design interventions can be employed to attract neighborhood-serving businesses and beautify neighborhood gateways/corridors?  
-What enhancements can be made to build upon existing multi-modal transportation connections?  
-What strategies can be employed to galvanize community and financial support for a reinvestment initiative, and what structure should such an initiative employ to ensure the effort is sustainable? 

Professional expertise needed from panelist: 
-Community Economic Development 
-Urban Planning and Design 
-Commercial Real Estate Development and Finance 
-Transit Planning 
-Community Engagement 

To be considered for a panelist position, please submit your complete application by April 6th, 2022. Once all applications are received, they will be reviewed by the TAPs committee, and applicants will be notified of their selection by mid-April.